Supporting Demand Side Management

Our UtilitySWITCH technology and associated hardware delivers energy savings by switching loads/circuits off at peak cost (or any other) times. We understand that sometimes a little support maybe needed to integrate UtilitySWITCH into your plans and locations.

We provide a range of relevant Demand Side Management services to help maximise savings and minimise disruption:

 Develop a Switching plan

that incorporates which systems or circuits could be switched off/on and when. We understand that systems or loads can be operationally required at certain times of the day, but available to be UtilitySWITCH’ed at other times. We’ll work with you to understand what can be switched and when, then develop the likely savings, switching schedules and ROI.

Develop and installation plan
Once you’ve outlined a Switching plan, we can liaise with your site facilities team/individual to work out the electrical arrangements required to achieve the plan.

Installation and Commissioning
UtilitySWITCH is easy to install and can be done by any qualified electrician. However, if you wish Envisij can arrange for installation by our certified installation partners.

Training & Operation

Once UtilitySWITCH is installed we’ll train you on how to manage or alter the Schedules, override the schedules if required and add additional ones as you gain confidence and experience in using UtilitySWITCH.

Ongoing savings reviews
Savings needn’t stop with the 1
st UtilitySWITCH setup, we can work with you to continually review further refinements to existing switching schedules and also consider adding additional loads to UtilitySWITCH.


    Impressive isn't it? Get in touch with Envisij today:

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    Envisij is a trading name of Fuuse Limited, a company registered in England & Wales with company number 10189845.

    Registered office:
    White Cross Business Park, South Road,
    Lancaster, LA1 4XQ

    Call: +44 (0) 1524 68818