Below you will find links to all our resources
Installing Devices:
Top-Of-Mind Tips For Installing Wattwatchers Devices.
Wattwatchers; Onboarding software
Use the following login details: Username: . Password: EA8LUd7g Advisory, we find it useful saving the link onto your phone/tablet/laptop as a bookmark.
Wattwatchers, Wiring/Connection Diagrams
Brochures & White Papers:
UtilitySMART. An IoT Energy Management System.
UtilitySMART Switch. A Demand Management Platform
SECR-Assist. A comprehensive SECR support & portal service
Simple Energy Management, easy to achieve savings
An introduction to Energy Management Systems
Envisij and Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECA’s)
Case Study, Verification of an LED Retrofit
Tech notes:
Visit Wattwatchers for Tech Notes
UK Government GHG Conversion Factors for Emissions Reporting
Industry Insights:
What is Demand Side Management?
Improving Building Energy Performance with Demand-Side Management
Smart Buildings - How The IoT Will Unlock Energy Efficiency
Envisij is a trading name of Fuuse Limited, a company registered in England & Wales with company number 10189845.
Registered office:
White Cross Business Park, South Road,
Lancaster, LA1 4XQ
Call: +44 (0) 1524 68818