Current Transformers
Sizes & loads to meet every specification
A comprehensive range of power measurement sensors for use with Auditors. Accurate Class 0.5 Measurement and Verification of all loads from 1A to 3,000A per phase.
Our Current Transformers (CT’s) support our full line of Class 0.5 Auditors and help meet all measurement and verification-based requirements. Designed as part of a simple and effective process for accurately capturing power consumption, CT’s are easy to specify and install. They are the ideal non-invasive solution for retrofits and new construction projects.
The better the equipment, the better the measurement. Auditor CT’s are highly accurate and are certified to be used for Class 0.5 level measurement and are certified to ANSI standards.
The Auditor CT range comprises of 3 types of CT’s that provide metering that ranges from small to extremely high loads. For added safety, all Auditor CT’s come with built-in voltage suppression devices that prevent hazardous voltages from developing on CT secondaries should they become disconnected from a meter with load current present. Auditor CT’s are UL and CE listed devices.
The Auditor-CT range consists of:
Solid-Core CT’s (SlipOn)
for use in new build projects where they can be fitted without concern for load downtime. CT range for Solid Core is up to 400A and delivers +/-0.3% accuracy.
Split-Core CT’s (SnapOn)
offer the greatest utility at the lowest cost where non-invasive retrofit installation is required. CT range for Split-Core is upto 600A and delivers +/-0.5% accuracy
Flexible / Rogowski Coil CT’s (WrapOn)
provide lightweight metering at very high current loads and Busbar applications. Upto 3,000A per phase, and delivers +/-1.0% accuracy. No mains supply is required.
Impressive isn't it? Get in touch with Envisij today:
Envisij is a trading name of Fuuse Limited, a company registered in England & Wales with company number 10189845.
Registered office:
White Cross Business Park, South Road,
Lancaster, LA1 4XQ
Call: +44 (0) 1524 68818